Building a Better Story World – Episode 3 – Needs!

Hey, everybody!

I have a new episode of Building A Better Story World out. This time, I’m dealing with your protagonists’ goals. The stronger you make them, the greater your narrative universe will be! To help me with this, I’ve enlisted Carrie, Samantha, Miranda, and Charlotte to showcase what this means for your work! Give it a listen here, or on Spotify, iTunes, or most podcatchers!

Building a Better Story World – Episode 1

It’s been a minute, ain’t it? I know you’ve all been desperate to… no, I can’t even lie like that. But I’ve been working on a LOT of stuff, and this is a part of it: a new podcast dedicated to helping you become better story world designers!

Using the same tools that I’ve brought to Nickelodeon, the Walt Disney Company, Microsoft, Activision, Sony Pictures, and many other clients, I’m going to take listeners on a step-by-step guide to story world creation. Each week, we will be delving into new categories and new content. Those who follow along can use the prompts to help create new narratives, but if you’re just interested in understanding, that’s great, too!

This week, we’re hitting the basics: the five primary elements of every story! From main character to resolution, we’ll build a foundation for any number of multimedia stories. I would embed the episode, but apparently, WordPress doesn’t like such things from Buzzsprout unless you upgrade to the Business platform (no thanks), so here’s the direct download!

Listen in, and if you’d like to submit your work, email, or follow me on Facebook and Twitter and let me know!